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Global × Sustainable projects with surfing
Sports / Beauty
Shiseido Company, Limited
Sept. 2019 -
Through the project, protect the beauty of the sea and protect the beauty of the skin
The project which promotes beach cleaning activities to protect the sea in cooperation with the World Professional Surfing Federation “WSL (World Surf League)” and the WSL PURE, a non-profit organization of the WSL that promotes marine protection and implements educational activities.
Launched in September 2019 as a sustainable project in the Suncare category of Brand SHISEIDO with the aim of protecting the skin and the sea. As a project ambassador, Kanoa Igarashi, a professional surfer active on the world stage, will be used to communicate the sustainable value of the brand SHISEIDO.


Shiseido held a press conference with Kanoa Igarashi in September, announced the project launch, and co-sponsored Quiksilver and Roxy Pro France 2019 in France in October as the first project activity.
During the tournament, together with WSL PURE and French environmental organizations, conducted beach cleanup activities and "Dune Planting" to prevent sand erosion.
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